- Cass School District 63
- School Lunch Program
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Lunch Program
Cass School District 63 participates in the National School Lunch Program and partners with Just A Dash to provide our student lunches. Lunches for the 2024-25 school year are $4.00 and milk is $0.75. More information about our lunch program is below and here are the menus:
- The lunch program is offered to all students in grades Kindergarten through Eight.
- Cass Junior High students will have other options available on an à la carte basis. Some of the options may include, but may not be limited to, fresh whole fruit ($1.00), string cheese (.75), granola bars ($1.00), Doritos ($1.00), Rice Krispie treats ($1.50), pizza ($3.00 - not available every day), Izzies ($1.50) and bottled water ($1.00)
- Payment for lunches and a la carte items are made through the “My School Bucks” website. Your child must have an account to purchase lunch. To create an account, please go to Lunch Account Creation/Payment. You will need the pin number given to you by the school office. Once open, you may add money into the account at any time by credit card as well as monitor your child(ren)’s daily purchases.
- If you wish to add money by check or cash, you may send the payment to the school office. Checks should be made out to Cass School District 63; not Aramark. Please note on the envelope that the payment is for your child’s lunch account. Cash payments are not accepted at the register. If you are sending cash for lunch for your child, please have them deliver it to their school office first thing in the morning.
- If you think your family may qualify for free or reduced priced meals, please complete and turn in to the District office the Free and Reduced Price Lunch Household Eligibility Application.
- Lunch menus are posted on the District website. Please note that lunch menus are subject to change and are updated as we learn of any changes. Please be sure to check the menu often to ensure you have the most up to date information.
If you have any questions or concerns about the lunch program, please contact the district office at 331-481-4000.
Preschool snacks are offered each day along with water and milk. The snack menu is as follows:
Goldfish Graham Crackers Cheerios Ritz Crackers Animal Crackers 20
No School Raisins Cheerios Apple Sauce Graham Crackers 27
Pretzels Raisins Cheerios Graham Crackers No School