- Cass School District 63
- Technology and Information
Technology and Information

1:1 Student Technology Device Agreement
Access and Support: This Agreement is entered into between Cass School District 63, the Student and the Parent(s)/Guardian(s) of the Student.
1. Introduction: Cass School District 63 provides each student a device (i.e., laptop, Chrome Book, or iPad) which the student is to use as a positive learning tool in coordination with the District’s curriculum. Although this Agreement authorizes the student’s use of the device for the year, the device is the property of the District and must be returned upon the District’s request or on the last day of the student’s attendance for the school year.
2. Prerequisites to Receive: To receive a device to use, the student and his or her parent/guardian must sign and submit to this 1:1 Student Technology Device Agreement.
3. Applicable Policies: In using the device, the student is subject to and must comply with District’s Board of Education Policies, Authorization for Internet Access Student Policy and Student Handbook Policies addressing student discipline, harassment/bullying, and acceptable use of electronic network/technology and their associated administrative procedures and regulations. A violation of any of these policies could result in loss of network privileges, loss of right to use the device, or appropriate discipline, up to and including suspension or expulsion
1:1 Student Device Expectations and Terms
1. Students may not:
a. Disrupt the educational process of the school district through non-educational use of the device;
b. Endanger the health or safety of themselves or anyone else through the use of the device;
c. Invade the rights and privacy of others at school through the use of the device;
d. Engage in illegal or prohibited conduct of any kind through the use of the device; or
e. Violate the conditions and rules of acceptable use of electronic network/technology.
2. Maintenance of device. Student must keep the device in good and working condition. In addition to following the manufacturer’s maintenance requirements, students should:
a. Use only a clean, soft cloth to clean the device’s screen. No cleansers of any type should be used;
b. Insert and remove cords and cables carefully to prevent damage to connectors;
c. Not write or draw on the device or apply any stickers or labels that are not property of the District;
d. Handle the device carefully and ensure others do the same;
e. Not leave the device in places of extreme temperature, humidity, or limited ventilation (e.g., in a car) for an extended period of time;
f. Secure the device when it is out of their sight. The device should not be left in an unlocked locker, a desk, or other location where someone else might take it;
g. Use a protective carrying case with the device.
3. Daily Use of device. Unless otherwise instructed, the device is intended for use at school every day. If students are permitted to use the device at home, they are responsible for bringing it to school every day, fully charged.
4. No Unauthorized Software or Data. Only legally licensed software, apps, media, or other data is permitted on the 1:1 device. Students will not download software, apps, media or other data (including songs, photos, or videos) without a District employee’s prior approval. Students will not replace the manufacturer’s operating system with custom software (i.e., “jailbreak” the device), or remove or modify the District-installed device configuration.
5. No Right to Privacy. The devices are District property; therefore, the District may examine the devices and search their contents at any time for any reason. Neither students nor parents/guardians have any right to privacy of any data saved on the device or in a cloud-based account to which the device connects. The school administration may involve law enforcement, if it is possible the device may have been used for an illegal purpose.
Additional Terms
1. Damage to or Loss of device. Parent(s)/guardian(s) are responsible for their child’s use of the device, including any damage to or loss of the device.
a. Accidental Damage: In the event of the first instance of accidental damage to the device which is greater than $50, the parent is responsible for the first $50 of the cost of repair. Cass School District 63 will fund the remainder of the repair. For any further incidents of accidental damage during one school year, the parent is responsible for full cost of device replacement.
b. Theft: In the event of theft, upon presentation of a filed police report, the parent is responsible for the first $50 of the replacement cost. Cass School District 63 will fund the remainder of the replacement cost, for a single occurrence.
c. Loss: In the event that the device is lost, the parents are responsible to cover the entire replacement cost.
The decision to assess a charge, as well as the amount of any charge, is at the sole discretion of the District, but will not be greater than the full replacement value of the device.
2. Hardware or Functionality Problems. If a problem arises with the functionality of a student’s device, the student must notify his or her classroom teacher of the problem within 24 hours or on the next school day. Under no circumstances may the student or his/her parent(s)/guardian(s) attempt to fix or allow anyone but District staff the attempt to fix suspected hardware faults or the device’s operating system. Do not take the device to any repair shop; the student should report the issue to his/her classroom teacher, who will report it to the District’s Technology Department.
3. Failure to Return the Device. If a student fails to return the device and any assigned accessories as directed, the District may, in addition to seeking reimbursement from the student’s parent(s)/guardian(s), file a theft report with local law enforcement authorities.
4. Internet Filter Outside of School. Although the District employs Internet filters and monitors students’ Internet activity at school, it may not filter or monitor students’ Internet access at home or off school grounds. By signing this Agreement, parent(s)/guardian(s) understand and acknowledge this and agree that their child’s use of the Internet on the device at home or off of school grounds is at the discretion of, and should be monitored by, the parent(s)/guardian(s). Some sites accessible via the Internet may contain material that is illegal, defamatory, inaccurate, or offensive to some people. Parent(s)/guardian(s) assume complete responsibility for the Internet access beyond the network provided by the District. When using the device outside the District, students are bound by the same policies, procedures, and guidelines as in school.
5. Data as Records. Data saved to the device is not maintained by the District as public records or as student records. In the event this data needs to be maintained by the District for any reason, the District will take affirmative steps to preserve it.
6. Waiver of Device-Related Claims. By signing below, you acknowledge that you have read, understand, and agree to follow all responsibilities outlined in this Agreement and agree to be bound by this Agreement. You also agree that the device was delivered in good working order and acknowledge that it must be returned to the District in good working order. By signing this Agreement, you waive any and all claims you (and your heirs, successors, and assigns) may have against District 63, its Board of Education and its individual Board members, employees, and agents, from any and all claims, damages, losses, causes of action, and the like relating to, connected with, or arising from the use of the device or from this Agreement.
7. Indemnification for device-Related Claims. To the fullest extent allowed by law, you agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless District 63, its Board of Education, and its individual Board members, employees and agents, from any and all claims, damages, losses, causes of action, and the like relating to, connected with, or arising from the use of the device or from this Agreement.
Agreement and Signatures
Use of devices on the Cass School District 63 network is a privilege that supports school-appropriate learning. The consistent operation and maintenance of the computer network and equipment relies on users adhering to established guidelines. Therefore, by signing this agreement, users acknowledge that they have read the 1:1 Student Technology Device Agreement and understand the District’s expectations and the student’s responsibilities.
By signing this agreement, students and parent(s)/guardian(s) agree to abide by the restrictions outlined in the 1:1 Student Technology Device Agreement. The student’s parent(s)/guardian(s) are responsible for monitoring their child’s Internet access on the device beyond the Cass School District 63 network.
I hereby give my permission to my child to utilize the Cass School District 63 1:1-provided device. I certify that the information contained on this form is correct.
□ I, along with my child, have read, understand and agree to the District’s 1:1 Device Technology Agreement (Checking of this box is the equivalent of a signature acceptance and agreement on behalf of yourself and your child to the terms of this agreement.)
1:1 Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the 1:1 plan?
At the beginning of the 2014/15 school year, all Concord Elementary and Cass Junior High students will be issued an electronic computing device (such as a laptop computer, Chromebook, or iPad Mini). Prekindergarten and Kindergarten students will be issued an iPad mini device and students in grades one through eight will be issued either a student laptop computer or a Chromebook.
Prior to receiving the device, parents, guardians, and the student must attend a mandatory orientation meeting to learn about the use and care of the device. The orientation meetings will be scheduled during student orientation.
Why is the School District going with a 1:1 plan?
The simplest and most direct way to answer this question…the students!
Aligning with our Mission Statement, Cass School District 63 will provide a positive learning environment in order to prepare students to succeed in our constantly changing world. The district strongly believes that each student has a right to an education that prepares them for their continuing education, future careers, and develops necessary 21st Century skills: problem solving, real-life skills, creativity, and social emotional development. As a newly created 1:1 district, we will provide students the opportunity to succeed in our rigorous academic and instructional curriculum to allow them to flourish in the surrounding world.
What is a Chromebook?
Chromebooks are essentially personal computers that require connection to the Internet for proper use. It operates on the Chrome OS, which is Google’s operating system. These computers operate with Google Apps (such as Gmail, Google Drive, Google Docs, etc.). They do not have programs loaded on them, so they connect quickly to the Internet. They have a good battery life compared to other standard laptop computers. Google is creating more and more Apps that are able to work “offline” and do not need to be connected to the Internet.
Chromebooks do not utilize Microsoft Office products, but instead use Google Drive. Google Drive includes a word processor, spreadsheet, and slideshow presentations that is similar in look and function to Microsoft products. Students will create, store, and collaborate all of their work using Google Drive. An additional feature of Google Drive allows Microsoft created files to be converted back and forth from Microsoft to Google Drive. In other words, they are compatible with each other.
What will this cost and who is paying for it?
The devices should not be treated any differently than the already provided textbooks. Cass School District 63 is providing the devices for the students through approved budgets.
What if the devices are lost or damaged?
Parent(s)/guardian(s) are responsible for their child’s use of the device, including and damage to or loss of the device.
- Accidental Damage: In the event of accidental damage to the device which is greater than $50, the parent is responsible for the first $50 of the cost of the repair. Cass School District 63 will fund the remainder of the repair.
- Theft: In the event of theft, upon presentation of a filed police report, the parent is responsible for the first $50 of the replacement cost. Cass School District 63 will fund the replacement cost, for a single occurrence.
- Loss: In the event that the device is lost, the parents are responsible to cover the entire replacement cost of the device.
Will students be able to take the device home?
Yes. The device will be checked out to the student at the beginning of the school year and will be collected at the end of the school year. The student will be free to take the device home every night as needed.
I don’t want my student to have a device. Can I opt out?
No. These devices will be an integral part of classroom instruction. Without a device, students would be unable to participate fully in classroom activities and assignments. The devices are as critical to the academic success of the student as the school textbooks.
Can a student bring in his/her own electronic device?
Cass School District 63 will have to insist that all students use a district-issued device in school. If students bring a multitude of devices that operate differently and don't have a common set of applications, it becomes impossible for classroom teachers to plan lessons.
I’m concerned about my student accessing inappropriate information on the Internet. What are you doing about that?
Cass School District 63 is in compliance with the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) and maintains a content filter and firewall for all Internet-enabled computers and equipment. Regardless of physical location (in district or out), the Chromebooks will have all Internet traffic monitored and filtered by the district. Cass School District 63 also installs anti-virus protection on electronic devices. Several of the following categories/types of websites are blocked:
- Criminal Skills and Hacking - Hacking is illegally accessing a computer or computer network.
- Nudity/Pornography/Sexual Content
- Phishing - Phishing is trying to acquire sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, and credit card information by pretending to be a legitimate entity.
- Proxies - Proxies are tools that attempt to make activity on the Internet untraceable.
- Spyware/Malicious Sites - Spyware collects information about users without their knowledge.
Do I need to have Internet service at home for this device to work?
Regardless of device, Internet access is becoming more and more important to the educational process. Teachers are continually finding and using information, resources, tools, and programs on the Web to enhance their curriculum. While the devices can be equipped with offline apps that can be used when the device is not connected to the Internet, there may be some projects and assignments that do require Internet access.
How do the devices connect to the Internet?
The Chromebooks, laptop computers, and iPad Mini’s being purchased by the district will have built-in WiFi, so they can connect to any available WiFi network. They will be set up to automatically connect to the WiFi network in both schools, but will also be able to connect to any home or public WiFi network.
Are there any low-cost Internet plans for our homes?
Comcast is offering an Internet Essentials plan for families that have students that receive free or reduced lunch. You can learn more here: http://www.internetessentials.com/default.aspx.
How do we take care of our iPad?
- Transportation. The devices must travel in the protective sleeve/cover provided with the device. Do not place the device into any baggage or backpack without it being inside of the protective sleeve/cover.
- Cleaning. Never use window cleaners, household cleaners, aerosol sprays, solvents, alcohol, ammonia, or abrasives. Only use a soft, slightly damp, lint-free cloth to clean the device. Do not put water or other liquids directly onto the device. Baby wipes work very well.
- Glass. The device’s screen is made out of glass. Do not drop it on a hard surface or cause substantial impact to it. If the screen does chip or crack, don’t attempt to fix it. Please return it as is.
- Charging. Use only the provided Power Adapter.
- Environment. Never expose the device to water, wet locations or high humidity. Also never attempt to dry it with an external heat source, such as a microwave or hair dryer.
- Extreme Heat. You never want to leave the device in heat over 95 degrees.
- Extreme Cold. You also never want to leave the device in cold below 32 degrees.
- Ports. Never try to insert anything into the connector port accept the provided Power Adapter.
- Security. Never leave the device inside of a vehicle overnight to help deter from theft opportunities.
Can you use additional accessories with the devices?
Yes, please feel free to purchase optional accessories, such as a wireless mouse, sleeve, or other protective cover for your school device. The device that will be supplied to the students will include the necessary chargers and one cover/sleeve. The district has done research for certain accessories and can provide you with possible options. The district does request that the students refrain from decorating their devices with stickers or labels.
Will faculty or staff be able to access or control the webcam on the devices?
No. Faculty and staff will not have access to remote control the devices in any way. We are, however, planning to purchase new software and tools that will allow the teacher to view a students' screens during the school day. This is done to create folders for each student, monitor activity and engagement with assignments, and assist in modeling good digital citizenship.
How will teachers handle behavior management within a 1:1 environment?
Behavior management is always a focus of every classroom. Teachers will be continue to use their classroom management systems. Teachers will be provided new strategies to maintain focus in classroom activities through professional development and instructional coaching. This training and development will include how to manage devices if students choose not to follow the classroom guidelines. Teachers always determine when it is appropriate for students to access their device within the learning experience.
How will issues of student inappropriate use be handled?
Inappropriate use of the devices will be handled in the same way that other issues are handled. Infractions of the electronic devices are considered a disciplinary violation and handled accordingly on a case by case basis. Children utilizing devices are subject to the same rules in the district student handbook whether or not the infraction occurs using technology.
Will students carry fewer textbooks once they have 1:1 devices?
It is a goal of the district to have the textbooks available online for the students to access at home using their device. Teachers will increasingly begin to use digital content for instruction and assignments.
Where will devices be when my child is at lunch or recess?
Student devices will remain in the classroom or their locker during lunch and recess times.
What if my student forgets their device?
Students will be taught to be responsible for taking their devices home and returning to school with their device. However, when a child forgets their device, the student will be able to check out a loaner device in the Learning Center for the school day. The student will be responsible for returning the device back to the Learning Center at the end of the day.
What if my student forgets to charge his or her iPad? Is there a loaner program?
Students will be taught to recharge their device as part of their personal responsibility. However, there will be additional chargers available to students in order to recharge their device.
Will my child learn about Internet Safety and Digital Citizenship?
Yes. All students will participate in a Digital Citizenship curriculum. The curriculum is currently being developed and created within the Cass School District 63.
Will my child use the device in every curriculum area?
Yes. The device will be the student’s educational tool to use at school. We expect that how it is used will vary based on subject area. Each of our teachers is setting up an online classroom within our new School District website that will allow them to post class notes, assignments, etc. The expectation is that the device will be utilized across all disciplines.
Help Desk Information
Help Desk Information-
During school hours, students can take their device to the LLC for assistance.
- In the evenings at home utilize the Cass District 63 Help Desk. Parents must login using their students Google credentials.
- Cass Junior High School
- Cass School District 63
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