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  • Cass School District 63 e-Learning Plan

    In the event it is determined that in-person learning is not feasible due to unsafe weather conditions or other reasons, the District may announce the need for an e-Learning school day in which students participate in teaching and learning activities remotely.

    The following provisions of the e-Learning Plan have been developed and agreed upon with school district teachers and administrators, and approved by the Board of Education:

    • Any e-Learning days will be held in lieu of an in-person instructional day, or a traditional "snow day" that is made up at the end of the school year.
    • Under the e-Learning schedule, instruction shall commence at 8:30 a.m. and conclude at 2:00 p.m. at both schools. The schedule for Concord Elementary School will be provided by the child’s classroom teacher. The Cass Junior High schedule is a condensed version of a normal school day as provided under the link.
    • A minimum of 5 clock hours of synchronous and/or asynchronous instruction or a combination thereof is required to fulfill the state requirements for a school day.
    • The Google Classroom platform will be utilized and plans and schedules will be communicated to parents and students as appropriate for each subject and grade level.
    • All students in Cass School District 63 have been provided with individual electronic devices, which will be utilized on e-Learning days.
    • Attendance will be taken and teachers will monitor student activity and work to determine if a student is engaging, participating, and completing any required assignments and activities.
    • Teachers are expected to be prepared for an e-Learning day that allows for the continuity of instruction, learning, and rigor as appropriate for the age-level and ability of the students.
    • Students are expected to actively participate similar to what would be expected during instructional time at school, as appropriate for the age-level and ability of the students.
    • In cases in which students are unable to complete e-Learning work within the specified hours due to unforeseen circumstances (power outages, lack of Internet access, etc.), teachers will work and communicate with students and their families directly, giving students the opportunity to submit missed work within a reasonable period of time that is appropriate for the age of the students.
    • Teachers will provide appropriate learning opportunities for students with special needs, including any IEP identified requirements and adjustments as needed for each individual student.
    • Parents and students can direct any questions to their child’s teacher or school administrator as appropriate.