- Cass School District 63
- Board Briefs

Board Briefs - January 21, 2025
The Board Briefs are highlights from the most recent Board of Education meetings. The purpose of the Board Briefs is to provide a timely summary to keep our staff, parents and public informed of the key items that were discussed or acted upon. More detailed information is available under the Board Schedules, Agendas and Minutes section of the District’s website. Official minutes are not posted until approval at the following meeting.
Moving Forward with Phase II Facility Plans
Superintendent Mark Cross summarized the recent work of the Facilities Committee and plans for Phase II, which is expected to be completed at both schools in the summer of 2025. The preliminary grand total estimate totals approximately $1.9 million, but the final cost will be determined after final project design and bidding. Several items included in the project include completion of ceiling replacement and LED lighting installation at Cass, renovation of the Cass gymnasium, renovation of Concord restrooms, and updates to music rooms in both schools.Additionally, a fundraising effort is currently under way to replace the Concord playground. Most of the Phase II projects are expected to be financed through the federal energy tax credit the district is planning to receive in 2025, resulting from the geothermal project completed in 2024.
Student Learning and Academic Growth
Principal Christine Marcinkewicz and Assistant Principal Katie Doyle shared some information on our student growth from the district’s Measure of Academic Progress assessment data. The MAP assessment is nationally normed and provides real time data for the teachers and administrators to monitor the academic growth and progress of our students. The district leadership will discuss methods to provide clear information for parents to interpret this data both for their own children, as well as school and district wide.Strategic Plan Progress Review
The Board conducted a brief six month review of the district’s Strategic Plan. The plan includes three pillars and 21 indicators of success to provide the leadership team and Board with an overview of progress and growth. Mr. Cross shared that the mid-year review is typically incremental, and the larger progress is noted at the end of each school year. He emphasized the two major areas of focus continue to be facility planning and the district’s work to develop and build systems and support in the areas of student services and multi-tiered systems of support.2025-26 School Year Calendar
The Board approved the 2025-26 District Calendar. Parent-Student Orientation will take place on Tuesday, August 19 and the first day for K-8 students will be Thursday, August 21. Orientation Day will be held later in the day and with a slightly different format to better accommodate our families, and more details will be shared later in the spring.In Key Action Items, the Board of Education…
- Approved the 2025-26 school year calendar.
- Approved recommended Board policy updates.
- Approved the employment of Bridget Gilmartin as the social worker at Cass Junior High School for the remainder of the 2024-25 school year.
Board Briefs - December 17, 2024
Approval of the 2024 Tax Levy
Superintendent Mark Cross reviewed with the Board the 2024 tax levy, which is unchanged from last month’s initial presentation. The recommended levy of $11,275,152 excluding debt service, compared to last year’s extension of $10,843,578, is an increase of 3.98 percent. The final amount of taxes on an individual property could be higher or lower and will depend on any changes in assessment of the individual property, as well as what other taxing bodies levy for taxes. Mr. Cross provided the detailed Questions and Answers about Local Property Taxes for anyone interested in learning more.Adoption of Resolution in Support of Illinois Vision 2030
The Board approved a resolution in support of Illinois Vision 2030 which is a framework for the future of public education in Illinois, and has been put together from stakeholders from Illinois Association of School Administrators, Illinois Association of School Boards, and various other education management and leadership organizations. It as in follow up to Vision 2020, which was a game changer with everything from school funding to the governance of the Illinois State Board of Education. You can read more about the framework under the link.Phase II Facility Planning
Mr. Cross updated the Board on recent planning with the architects as it relates to Phase II facility plans. The Board is hoping to complete as much of the work as possible in the summer of 2025, and is currently considering three distinct bid packages, including one for interior renovation, one for exterior renovations, and a third for needed site work. The Facilities Committee will review the options and more details with the architects in January.In Key Action Items, the Board of Education …
- Adopted the Resolution for Approval of the 2024 Tax Levy
- Adopted the Resolution Authorizing a Supplemental Property Tax Levy to Pay the Principal of and Interest on Outstanding Limited Bonds
- Approved of a change order of $176,841 for the geothermal HVAC project
- Adopted the Resolution in Support of Illinois Vision 2030
- Approved Michael DellaMaria for the position of special education driver
Board Briefs - November 19, 2024
Katie Doyle Named Concord Principal
At the November 19 meeting, the Board of Education unanimously approved the appointment of Katie Doyle as the next Concord Elementary School principal. Mrs. Doyle will take the helm on July 1, 2025 upon the retirement of Dr. Laura Anderson after 18 years of service. Mrs. Doyle previously taught at Cass Junior High School, and has served as the assistant principal at Concord for the past five years. Here is the formal announcement of her appointment. Both our staff and Board are excited to have Mrs. Doyle as our next Concord principal!Review of Tentative Tax Levy
Superintendent Mark Cross presented the tentative 2024 tax levy. The recommended levy of $11,275,152 excluding debt service, compared to last year’s extension of $10,843,578, is an increase of 3.98 percent. The final amount of taxes on an individual property could be higher or lower and will depend on any changes in assessment of the individual property, as well as what other taxing bodies levy for taxes. Mr. Cross provides the detailed Questions and Answers about Local Property Taxes for anyone interested in learning more. After some discussion, the Board approved the tentative levy and will review the final levy at the December 17 meeting.Phase II Facilities Plan
Mr. Cross reviewed the potential Phase II facility priorities that were recently reviewed and reprioritized by the Board Facilities Committee with the school district architects. As a result of the committee’s work, the Board agreed to move forward with the updated Phase II Facilities Plan.
The plan includes 10 items that are planned for inclusion in a potential bid package for work to be completed in the summer of 2025, as well as a number of stand alone projects that are expected to be completed over the course of 2025 and 2026, subject to the availability of funding. Mr. Cross also reviewed potential plans for updating the Concord playground through a partnership with CARE. Later in the meeting, the Board authorized moving forward with planning and design for bidding.In Key Action Items, the Board of Education…
- Approved the Tentative Fiscal Year 2024 Tax Levy
- Employed Zainab Tapal as a teacher assistant at Cass Junior High School for the remainder of the 2024-25 school year
- Authorized the superintendent to engage with the school district’s architects to pursue project design and bidding for the Phase II Facilities Plan.
- Approved a $50,000 school maintenance matching grant application through the Illinois State Board of Education
- Approved the 2024 audit and annual financial report.
- Approved the district employee health and dental insurance renewal
- Approved the property, liability, and worker compensation insurance renewal
- Approved an agreement with Skyward for the district’s student management information system, beginning with the 2025-26 school year.
Board Briefs - October 15, 2024
Student and Staff Spotlight and Recognition
The Board of Education welcomed cross country team members Skylar Herbert and Decker Kuntz, along with their families and coaches Scott Kondraschow and Sarah Leganski. Skylar and Decker have had standout seasons and recently competed in the cross country conference and sectional meets. Skylar qualified for the state cross country meet, and will compete in the IESA finals this Saturday.
The Board also recognized preschool program director Pam Worth, along with teachers Lauren Grochowski and Kara Blatt for their achievement of Gold Circle status for our preschool program. Gold Circle status is very difficult to attain and our program has consistently achieved this tremendous honor over the past 20 years. Ms. Worth and Mrs. Grochowski also made a presentation on the preschool program, which serves 80 students a year.
Fiscal Year 2024 Audit and Annual Financial Report
Superintendent Mark Cross presented the fiscal year 2024 financial audit, completed by auditor Evoy, Kamschulte, Jacobs, LLP. During FY24, the district continued to build its fund balances, continued its practice of not issuing short-term debt, and continued to maintain a balanced budget. There were no findings or concerns expressed and the district continues to perform well financially.Phase II Facility Planning
With the Phase I geothermal HVAC, safety, and security work completed, Mr. Cross reviewed an updated listing of potential Phase II facility planning items for Board consideration and discussion. The list includes, but is not limited to, completion of energy efficient lighting, installation of low maintenance flooring, replacement of classroom whiteboards, improvements to music rooms and gymnasiums, addressing drainage issues on the Concord property, completing masonry repair and tuck pointing, replacement of parking lots and drives, improvement of the courtyards both schools, and potential replacement of the Concord playground.The Facilities Committee will schedule a meeting soon to begin more detailed planning, and Mr. Cross will continue to work on budgets and funding sources so that potential work items can be prioritized.
Federal Impact Aid
Mr. Cross plays an active role in two national organizations that advocate for federal impact aid funding to help offset the loss of local tax revenues, since 37 percent of our school district’s land is the federal government owned Argonne National Laboratory. Federal property is not taxable and this puts our school district at a disadvantage in terms of our local tax base.Cass School District 63 receives approximately $400,000 per year in federal impact aid funding, which is roughly 7 percent of the funding the district would expect to receive if it were taxable real estate. Mr. Cross was recently in Washington, D.C. where he and other district leaders meet periodically with legislators to help ensure that this important revenue source continues for our district and others similarly impacted across the country.
In Key Action Items, the Board of Education …
- Appointed Urszula Tanouye as the Board representative to the 2024 Illinois Association of School Boards Delegate Assembly.
- Approved the employment of Michael Gallagher, as a permanent substitute teacher at Cass Junior High School, and Kerry Glimco, Tinesha Anderson, and Alexandra Gale, as teacher assistants at Concord Elementary School.
Board Briefs - August 13, 2024
Board Approves Tentative Fiscal Year 2025 Budget
Superintendent Mark Cross and Fiscal Services Director Deb Dolehide reviewed the tentative fiscal year 2025 budget. Excluding estimated expenditures related to planned facility improvements, the total expenditure budget for FY25 is just over $15.6 million. A budget deficit was expected for the coming year to meet staffing and program needs. Mr. Cross shared the district’s progress related to finances for the last several years while building fund balances and improving the district’s overall financial health.The Board established a public budget hearing for Tuesday, September 17, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. in the District Community Room. Following the hearing, the Board will consider final approval of the FY25 budget.
Construction Project Updates
Mr. Cross shared several updates on the geothermal, safety, and security project the district has undertaken over the course of the summer. Despite the challenge and timeline, he said everything is finally coming together and scheduled to be completed on time. He praised the maintenance and custodial staff for their extra effort and hard work, as well as the cooperation between the district’s architects, engineers, and contractors. Mr. Cross said that it is coming together to be a very successful project and he looks forward to working with the Board on Phase II facility planning.In Other Key Action Items, the Board of Education…
- Approved the fiscal year 2025 tentative budget and approved holding the public budget hearing on Tuesday, September 17, at 7:00 p.m.
- Approved three geothermal HVAC project change orders
- Reviewed a first reading of recommended policy updates
- Discussed changes to the schedule and times for music concerts
- Approved the behavioral threat assessment procedure
- Approved the acknowledgment of Board’s role as DCFS mandated reporters
- Approved the release of closed session minutes from January 24, 2024, as well as the destruction of verbatim audio records from closed session meetings per statute
Board Briefs - July 9, 2024
Lunch Program Requests for Proposals
A special meeting of the Board of Education was held on July 9, 2024 for the purpose of reviewing recommendations and approving proposals for the school district lunch program for the 2024-25 school year. This is the final step in reaching the goal of providing our students with the highest quality lunches at the most reasonable price, while also remaining in compliance with the requirements of the National School Lunch Program.Mr. Cross reviewed a summary of the proposals from three potential food service management companies. This concluded a long process working with our partner Center Cass School District 66, while complying with the rules and regulations through the National School Lunch Program and the Illinois State Board of Education.
Approval of Just a Dash Catering
After completing required taste testings, reviewing proposals, and checking references on all three potential vendors, the six-member committee of the two school districts was unanimous in the recommendation to move forward with Just A Dash Catering as the food service vendor for the 2024-25 school year.Mr. Cross shared with the Board that he believes Just A Dash will provide high quality and fresh lunches for our students, with more transparency related to ingredients and nutritional value. This will end the current partnership with Aramark, who has been the lunch program provider for District 63 for many years.
2024-25 Lunch Prices Set at $4.00
Mr. Cross shared that Just A Dash was not only the top recommendation on other metrics, but they also had the lowest cost proposal. The goal of the District is not to make money from the lunch program, but to break even in providing this service to children and families.The Board discussed the results of the parent survey that was conducted in the spring. Results showed that parents overall were supportive of keeping the prices as low as possible, while also achieving the goal of improving quality. After some discussion, the Board was unanimous in following the recommendation from Mr. Cross to establish the 2024-25 lunch prices at $4.00 and later review pricing for the 2025-26 year to see if adjustments are necessary.
Under Action Items, the Board of Education…
- Approved the Food Service Management Company Vended Fixed Price Meal Contract with Just a Dash Catering for the 2024-25 school year.
- Approved the Food Service Intergovernmental Agreement with Center Cass School District 66.
- Approved the student lunch fee cost at $4.00 for the 2024-25 school year.
Board Briefs - June 11, 2024
Presentation of Strategic Plan Progress Review
The Board of Education reviewed progress on the district’s Strategic Plan. The plan includes three pillars and 21 indicators of success to provide the leadership team and Board with an overview of progress made since the last update in January 2024. Each indicator includes a narrative description of the current status and is identified as Beginning (0-25 percent progress), Developing (26-50 percent progress), Emerging (51-75 percent progress), or Implementing (76-100 percent progress). Board members and Superintendent Mark Cross are pleased with the progress that has been made since the plan was adopted late in 2021, and will continue to focus on continued growth.Summer HVAC Construction Progress
Mr. Cross summarized the fast progress on the geothermal HVAC construction project. He said the crew on site is excellent, and he is working closely with the architects, engineers, and contractors to troubleshoot any issues as they arise for a project of this complexity and nature. He will continue to update the Board on our progress and timeline for being ready for the start of the school year.Lunch Program Request for Proposals
Mr. Cross announced that things are progressing with the joint request for proposal process for the lunch program. Site visits and a blind food tasting have both occurred with five vendors participating to date. Final proposals will be opened on July 1.Special July Board Meeting
To approve the recommended food service program provider, the Board will hold a special meeting on either Tuesday, July 9, or Tuesday, July 16, at 7:00 p.m. at the Indian Prairie Public Library. The final meeting date and agenda will be posted on the district website once determined.In Other Key Action Items, the Board of Education…
- Accepted the resignation of Concord teacher assistant Danielle Christiano
- Approved recommendations for employment Cass Junior High nurse Sarah Acitelli, Cass teacher assistant, Bryan Koh, and Concord teacher assistant Sally Oakes for the 2024-25 school year
- Approved a shared speech pathologist agreement with Center Cass School District 66.
Board Briefs - May 14, 2024
Recognition of Retirees
At the May 14 meeting, the Board of Education and Superintendent Mark Cross recognized the following staff members who will be retiring at the close of the 2023-24 school year.
Ken Kohnke – Cass STEM and Social Studies Teacher, 20 years
Angela Zurawski – Concord Music Teacher, 32 years
Anya Schlottmann – Concord Teacher, 36 yearsThese three professionals provided 88 years of service to the district, made a huge impact on the lives of countless students, and will be greatly missed. Please join us in thanking and wishing them well as they enter this new chapter in their lives!
Recognition for Years of Service
The Board also recognized the following individuals who reached the following milestone years of service this year in Cass School District 63:5 Years – Deb Athy, Mary Carlo, Ashley Howard, Belle Marien, Kathy Mensik, Landon Mitchell, Keith Monaco, Rhena Patascil, Mitchell Schwarzkopf
10 Years – Kara Blatt, Stacie Gray, Kristen Kaplan, Joe Messina
15 Years – Craig Damrow, Lauren Grochowski, Krista Jamrose, Greg Kirchen, Christina Sells, Katie Summers
20 Years – Dan Farias, Ken Kohnke, Marie Musil, Gayle Wilson
30 Years – Audrey VaciCongratulations and thank you to all of these district team members for their service to our students and school district!
Recognition of Students
The Board of Education recognized Concord students Maximillian Bradu, Dina Dzanovic, Genevieve Hylak-Reinholtz, Alyssa Quillin, Shivam Patel and Chi Vu for having the best attendance records for their two years in junior chorus.Proposed STEAM Curriculum and Program
Teacher Matt Etherington presented the proposed curriculum for the new STEAM program at Cass Junior High School. Beginning this fall, this program will provide some amazing opportunities for our students through courses in Advanced Art, Digital Media, Industrial Design, Animation & Interactivity, and Virtual Worlds. The opportunities will start in 6th grade and all students will take Digital Media and Industrial Design at some point in 6th and 7th grades respectively.After a number of discounts and other opportunities, the cost for the transition to the new program is approximately $65,000. Mr. Cross said more details will be shared with families prior to the start of the 2024-25 school year. The Board of Education praised Mr. Etherington, Principal Christine Marcinkewicz, and Mr. Cross for the vision in creating the opportunities for our students, and particularly Mr. Etherington for the planning and details for what will be a very unique program. Mr. Cross said the program is a complete transformation that will continue to evolve, and will provide unprecedented opportunities for our students.
Lunch Program Proposals
Mr. Cross updated the Board on the progress with the formal request for proposals for school lunch program providers. This is a shared legal process that entails many rules and regulations through the Illinois State Board of Education and with our partner Center Cass School District 66. After the process is complete, a recommendation for a vendor will be made later this summer.Change in Location for the June 11, 2024 Board Meeting
Due to the construction taking place in both buildings this summer, the Board of Education meeting scheduled for Tuesday, June 11, at 7:00 p.m. will be held at the Indian Prairie Public Library.In Other Key Action Items, the Board of Education…
- Accepted the resignation of Concord teacher assistant Courtney Mathis
- Approved recommendations for employment of Concord teacher assistants Lauren Slomski and Rebecca Kondrisack for the 2024-25 school year
- Approved the recommended STEAM curriculum and resources
- Approved recommended Board policy updates
- Approved the 2024-25 SASED classroom lease agreement
- Approved Tri-Merit to Act as Consultants for Renewable Energy Tax Credits
- Approved Boerman Moving and Storage to provide moving and storage services as part of the district’s summer construction project
- Approved Indian Prairie Public Library as the new location for the regular June 11, 2024 Board of Education meeting
Board Briefs - April 16, 2024
Recommendations for Social Science Curriculum Resources
Principals Laura Anderson and Christine Marcinkewicz reviewed social studies curriculum and resource materials recommendations. The principals shared an overview of the process, teachers involved with the committees, criteria, resources reviewed, rationale, and final recommendations before answering questions from the Board.The recommendation from the committee at Concord Elementary was the Studies Weekly program for grades kindergarten through 4, while the recommendation from the committee at Cass Junior High was Savvas Learning Company for grade 5, and Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH) for grades 6 through 8. The total investment for the curriculum resources is $71,881.
Director of Student Services
Cathy Fisher was at the meeting for an introduction to the Board before her formal hiring as the new Director of Student Services. Mrs. Fisher has served as a consultant in recent months as the school district works on improvement in the area of special services, and her and the leadership team have already developed goals and timelines for improvement, based on the feedback of the teachers, staff, and parents. Mr. Cross said that having her involvement will be a game changer, and the staff is already excited to work with her.Summer Geothermal HVAC Project Preparation
Superintendent Mark Cross updated the Board on planning and coordination underway for the summer HVAC project. Cass Junior High School will be completely closed down and most rooms in the building cleaned out for the summer while the new geothermal HVAC system is installed. The work at Concord is somewhat less in depth, but will also impact the vast majority of the building. Mr. Cross and district staff members are working closely with the school district’s architect, engineer, and general contractor to plan for logistics. Mr. Cross emphasized that the project includes a tight timeline and will require great flexibility to stay on schedule, but he believes that all of the right people are in place to make the project successful. He will continue to update the Board, staff, and school community on the preparation and progress.Joint Food Service Program Request for Proposals
Mr. Cross shared the final draft of the request for proposal for potential food service vendors in cooperation with Center Cass School District 66. He said the proposal is a tedious process that requires the approval of the Illinois State Board of Education, but the two school districts are finalizing the details to seek proposals.In Key Action Items, the Board of Education…
- Approved the following employment recommendations for the 2024-25 school year:
- Cathy Fisher, Student Services Director
- Bridget Berger, 4th Grade Teacher
- Monica Rothbard, Kindergarten Teacher
- Sharon Chacko, Speech Pathologist
- Accepted the resignation of Concord teacher assistant Isa Sagat
- Approved the recommended social science curriculum and resources
- Approved CERx as a third party HVAC commissioning service
- Approved a request for proposal for potential food service vendors with Center Cass School District 66
Board Briefs - March 19, 2024
Food Service Program Request for Proposals
After reviewing the parent survey results and conducting onsite visits to school lunch programs in the area, Superintendent Mark Cross recommended to the Board that the district move forward with the request for proposal process to secure a lunch program vendor for the 2024-25 school year. This RFP will be through an intergovernmental partnership with Center Cass District 66 and it will be distributed to all school lunch service providers. The Board authorized Mr. Cross to move forward and work with the neighboring district through the legal process to determine a recommended vendor later in the spring.Baseball Coming to Cass Junior High
Mr. Cross and Principal Christine Marcinkewicz are working on a plan to add boys’ baseball as an interscholastic activity for this fall. The head coach will be teacher Craig Damrow and the staff is working on plans for the location, equipment, and schedule. The addition of baseball will equalize the sports opportunities for boys and girls, and it is expected that interest will be strong. The fall season runs in August and September, the same time as girls’ softball.Facility Planning Updates
Mr. Cross updated the Board on geothermal well project, which is now completed at both schools, aside from sod that will be put in over the spring break. He also shared an update on plans related to the summer HVAC work and the related logistical planning underway. Mr. Cross and members Urszula Tanouye and Chris Green reviewed the Phase II facility recommendations that were discussed at the most recent Facilities Committee meeting. This is currently a draft list of 18-20 items that have been prioritized for work from 2025 to 2028 as funds may be available. More will be shared on this plan as it develops in the coming months.In several key action items, the Board of Education…
- Approved Megan Newton for the position of junior high science teacher, effective at the start of the 2024-25 school year.
- Approved the retirement requests of Fiscal Services Director Deb Dolehide, effective December 31, 2027, and English Language Learners teacher Filomena Manna-DeChiara at the close of the 2027-28 school year. Cass Junior High choral teacher Becky Kriz will now be retiring at the end of the 2024-25 school year.
- Approved employee salaries for the 2024-25 school year.
- Approved 2024-25 employment contacts for Concord Elementary Assistant Principal Katie Doyle and Cass Junior High Assistant Principal Michelle Roberts.
- Authorized the Superintendent to finalize an agreement with Tri-Merit to act as consultants for renewable energy tax credits.
Board Briefs - February 20, 2024
Academic Growth Progress
Concord Assistant Principal Katie Doyle provided an overview of our student academic growth data from the NWEA Measure of Academic Progress (MAP) assessment. Our 1st through 8th grade students are assessed three times each year in the fall, winter, and spring to measure academic growth, as well as identify specific areas of concern as well as areas of strength.Unlike the state’s Illinois Assessment for Readiness (IAR) assessment which is taken once and doesn’t provide data until the following school year, results from the MAP assessment are available the next day to inform instruction, provide interventions, and to identify needed academic support programs, such as IXL. The MAP assessment is nationally normed, and our students show growth far above the national average.
Federal Impact Aid Funding
Superintendent Mark Cross plays an active role in two national organizations that advocate for federal impact aid funding to help offset the loss of local tax revenues, since 37 percent of the district’s land is the federal government owned Argonne National Laboratory. Since federal property is not taxable, this puts our school district at a disadvantage in terms of our local tax base.Cass School District 63 receives approximately $400,000 per year in federal impact aid funding. Unfortunately, that funding could be in jeopardy due to the current budget issues in Congress. Mr. Cross will provide an additional report next month, including details on how members of the school community can help support the continuation of federal impact aid funding.
Facility Planning Progress
Mr. Cross reported on the progress with the installation of geothermal wells, which is now complete at Cass Junior High and over halfway done at Concord. Discussion was held on the impact this has with recess at Concord, since the grassy area adjacent to the playground is currently taken up with the project. The Board reviewed “Phase II” projects, which would be prioritized and potentially completed in 2025 and beyond, after the large summer 2024 HVAC work is complete. The Facilities and Finance Committees will review this in more depth in the coming weeks.2024-25 Registration Fees
The Board reviewed the recommended 2024-25 school year fees, which will remain unchanged for the fourth consecutive year. Cass Junior High fees $325 and Concord Elementary $275. For those interested in using district transportation, the fee will be $275. Our registration fees are all inclusive as the district does not charge additional fees for technology, music, activities, or athletics, as many districts do on top of their normal fees.In Key Action Items, the Board of Education …
- Approved the 2024-25 school year registration fees.
- Accepted the resignation of teacher Tim Stangarone, effective at the close of the 2023-24 school year.
- Approved the employment of the following individuals for the 2024-25 school year:
- Alex Gula, Concord 4th Grade Teacher
- Clair Monroe, Cass Mathematics Teacher
- Julia Holbert, Concord Special Education Teacher
- Jennifer Kirkpatrick, Concord Special Education Teacher
- Kali Sheldon, Concord Music Teacher
- Jeanne Erickson, Cass Language Arts and Social Studies Teacher
- Kelly Glimco, Concord Teacher Assistant
Board Briefs - January 23, 2024
Strategic Plan Progress Review
The Board of Education reviewed progress on the district’s Strategic Plan. Adopted in 2021, the plan includes three pillars and 21 indicators of success to provide the leadership team and Board with an overview of progress made since the last update in June 2023. Each indicator includes a narrative description of the current status and is identified as Beginning (0-25 percent progress), Developing (26-50 percent progress), Emerging (51-75 percent progress), or Implementing (76-100 percent progress).Board members and Superintendent Mark Cross acknowledged the great progress that has been made over the last two years, with continued focus on specific areas for continued growth. Mr. Cross said that there is a rarely a time where all goals will be accomplished, as the focus should remain on continuous growth and improvement.
2024-25 School Year Calendar
The Board approved the 2024-25 District Calendar, which currently includes a one week later than normal start next year, with Parent-Student Orientation on Tuesday, August 27, and the first day for K-8 students on Thursday, August 29. While the plan is for the summer HVAC project to be completed in time for the buildings to be prepared in this timeframe, Mr. Cross emphasized that this could be subject to change. Under the approved calendar, the last day for the 2024-25 school year will be Friday, June 6.Special Services Consultant
The Board of Education approved Cathy Fisher to work as a part-time consultant to assist the school district leadership team and staff with a review of the district’s special services program. Mr. Cross said this is an important next step as the district works to review and better align multi-tiered systems of support, Section 504, and special education services, while ensuring compliance and the highest level of services and support for our students in their least restrictive environment. He shared that Mrs. Fisher is beyond qualified with her experience and expertise, and will be ideal to serve in this temporary role.In Key Action Items, the Board of Education…
- Approved recommended Board policy updates.
- Approved the release of certain closed session minutes and the destruction of verbatim recordings of closed session meetings prior to July 1, 2022.
- Accepted the resignation of Jamie Tinucci.
- Approved the employment of Julia Holbert as Concord Elementary special education teacher and Danielle Christiano as Concord Elementary teacher assistant.
Board Briefs - December 19, 2023
Public Hearing for the 2023 Tax Levy
During a public truth in taxation hearing, Superintendent Mark Cross reviewed the recommended 2023 tax levy, which is unchanged from the tentative levy that was presented in November. The recommended levy of $10,934,124 excluding debt service is an increase of 5.88 percent over last year’s actual extension of $10,360,739. The average annual revenue growth from local property taxes over the previous 12 years in Cass 63 is just under two percent. Mr. Cross provides a detailed Questions and Answers about Local Property Taxes that is also posted on the district website.Issuance of $8,310,000 in General Obligation Bonds
Mr. Cross and Board Member Steve Wyent discussed work with the district’s financial advisors on how to cost effectively structure the second phase of debt following last November’s successful referendum. With the Board’s approval, the district will close on the second set of bonds and receive proceeds in early 2024. This second issuance of bonds allows for the next phase of facility improvements to be completed over the course of the coming year.In Key Action Items, the Board of Education…
- Adopted a resolution for approval of the 2023 tax levy, as well as a supplemental resolution to pay the principal and interest on outstanding bonds.
- Adopted a resolution to issue up to $8,310,000 of general obligation bonds for the second phase of work related to the planned facility improvements.
- Accepted the resignation of Samantha Cerven from the position of occupational therapist
- Approved the employment of Sarah Leganski for the position of occupational therapist
- Approved the employment of Alex Gula for the position of Cass Junior High teacher assistant.
Board Briefs - November 14, 2023
Tentative 2023 Tax Levy
Superintendent Mark Cross presented the tentative 2023 tax levy. The recommended levy of $10,934,124 excluding debt service, compared to last year’s actual extension of $10,360,739, is an increase of 5.88 percent. The final amount of taxes on an individual property could be higher or lower and will depend on any changes in assessment of the individual property, as well as what other taxing bodies levy for taxes. Mr. Cross provides the detailed Questions and Answers about Local Property Taxes for anyone interested in learning more. After some discussion, the Board approved the tentative levy and established a public truth-in-taxation hearing.Review of 2022-23 School Report Cards
Mr. Cross and Principals Christine Marcinkewicz and Laura Anderson provided an in depth review of the 2022-23 Illinois School Report Cards. In addition to reviewing the data, Mr. Cross explained some of the changes that ISBE has implemented with reporting, and the Board discussed the clarifications of how ISBE defines “proficiency”, which is a much higher bar than actual “grade level”.The district will be sharing more updates and details with parents and the school community at a later date, after teachers and administrators have had the opportunity to study and discuss the data in more depth. The administration also plans to provide a presentation on current growth data from our local NWEA MAP assessments in February.
Some of the highlights of the 2023 report cards are as follows, with much more information under the link:
- The percentage of students meeting or exceeding proficiency in both the English Language Arts and Mathematics has increased for three straight years.
- English Language Arts proficiency at Cass Junior High increased 11 percent over the previous year, while mathematics growth at the junior high will be a continued area of focus for improved growth.
- Despite the overall mathematics growth scores not being as high as expected, Cass Junior High has an incredible 92 percent of 8th graders completing Algebra before high school.
- Mathematics growth at Concord Elementary was 68 percent, one of the highest growth rates in the area, while English language arts growth will continue to be a focus area for growth.
- Concord missed overall “Exemplary” status by less than one half of one percent.
- Attendance in District 63 is also much stronger than the state average with only 2.7 percent of students defined as a “chronic truant” (5 percent of a school year without a valid excuse), far below the state average of 19.9 percent.
In Other Key Action Items, the Board of Education…
- Approved a resolution establishing a public truth-in-taxation hearing for Tuesday, December 19, 2023, at 7:00 p.m.
- Approved the employee health, dental, and life insurance renewal.
- Approved the low recommended bids of $61,045 from Valor Technologies and $88,880 from Husar Abatement to complete upcoming asbestos abatement projects at Concord Elementary and Cass Junior High Schools, respectively.
- Approved a $50,000 school maintenance matching grant application to cover some of the cost of the asbestos abatement projects.
- Approved the employment of Cathy Fisher and Kris Walsh to job share as part-time interim assistant principals at Cass Junior High School.
- Established Board meeting dates, times, and locations for the 2024-25 year.
Board Briefs - October 17, 2023
Bid Accepted for Geothermal HVAC Project
Superintendent Mark Cross and architects Jacob Been and Scott Rihel from Healy Bender Patton & Been Architects reviewed the results of the recent bid opening for phase two of the geothermal HVAC project. This work is scheduled to be completed in the summer of 2024, following work with the geothermal wells that will take place this winter.There were nine bids submitted and the recommended low bid and two accepted alternate bids from Reed Construction Corporation of Chicago totaled $7,800,800. The Board expressed their satisfaction with the planning and design of the project, particularly in light of the fact that the bis were slightly under the low end of this phase of the construction budget.
Mr. Cross and Member Steve Wyent shared that work is beginning on the next issuance of bonds to pay for the remainder of the project following the successful referendum last November.
Strong Fiscal Year 2023 Audit
School district auditor Jim Henry of Evoy, Kamschulte, Jacobs, LLP attended the meeting to review the fiscal year 2023 audit. During FY23, the district continued to build its fund balances, continued its practice of not issuing short-term debt, and continued to maintain a balanced budget. There were no findings or concerns expressed with the audit and the district maintains a strong “AA” rating with a positive outlook from Standard & Poors.Property, Casualty and Liability Insurance Renewal
Mr. Cross reviewed the insurance renewal proposal for the school district’s property, casualty, liability, flood, cyber, automobile, and worker compensation insurance coverage. The total renewal was $128,575.00, which is a 15.7 percent increase over the current year. Unfortunately, the larger increase follows an industry wide trend, and discussion was held on how to mitigate this increase in future years. Mr. Cross and the Finance Committee will discuss this as well, but the Board agreed that approval was necessary to move forward.In Key Action Items, the Board of Education…
- Adopted the updated e-Learning Plan, after the hearing earlier in the meeting.
- Approved the fiscal year 2023 audit and annual financial report.
- Approved recommended low bid and two alternates of $7,800,800 from Reed Construction Corporation for phase two of the geothermal HVAC project.
- Approved the property, casualty and liability insurance renewal.
- Approved Elona Hitaj as Cass Junior High School EPIC Program Assistant
- Appointed Urszula Tanouye as the 2023 IASB Delegate Assembly Representative.
- Approved Memoranda Understanding with the Cass Education Association regarding the eLearning plan and activity bus
Board Briefs - September 27, 2023
Fiscal Year 2024 Budget Hearing
Superintendent Mark Cross reviewed the proposed fiscal year 2024 budget. He said there were no substantive changes with the budget that was originally presented last month. Budgeted expenditures for FY24 are just under $15 million for the regular budget, and with the geothermal HVAC and safety and security work included, the total budget is approximately $21 million.Federal Impact Aid
Mr. Cross reviewed where the district stands with Federal Impact Aid funding. He is an active part of a national organization that advocates for impact aid due to the impact of Argonne National Laboratory. Our district is unique in that Argonne is federally owned property that has a huge impact locally. Of the school district’s 2,807 total acres, 1,026 acres are federal land as part of Argonne. This means that roughly 37 percent of our school district’s total real estate is federally owned property. Argonne also impacts Burr Ridge School District 180 and Lemont High School District 210.The district typically receives around $400,000 annually in federal impact aid funding. However, in comparison, the other 1,781 acres (approximately 63 percent) would have generated an estimated $5,272,197 in local property taxes if it was taxable land. This means that on a per acre basis, federal impact aid replaces just 8 cents of every dollar lost to federal property, which puts our school district at a huge disadvantage. Mr. Cross shared that he plans to communicate to our local school community more about Federal Impact Aid in Cass 63, and he will keep the Board apprised of the federal FY24 budget and the district’s impact aid funding.
Update and Discussion Regarding Facility, Safety, and Security Projects
The district is currently receiving bids for the summer 2024 geothermal HVAC project. Asbestos abatement will also be involved separately from the HVAC project. The Board learned that the BluePoint security system has been installed and the new exterior video cameras are complete. Taking the new systems live and planning for training is under way.In Key Action Items, the Board of Education …
- Adopted the Fiscal Year 2024 Budget
- Approved the recommended Board policy updates
- Approved Meagan Garcia as Concord teacher assistant
- Accepted the resignation of part-time speech pathologist Sue Binder
- Approved the District’s Concussion Oversight Team Members
- Established a public hearing regarding the district’s eLearning plan for Tuesday, October 17, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. as part of the regular meeting