- Cass School District 63
- Fine Arts and P.E.
Fine Arts and Physical Education
Welcome to the Fine Arts
“Where the Focus is on the Child"
Curriculum Focus
The Fine Arts curriculum is a vital part of a Junior High School student’s educational experience at Cass Junior High School. Cass Junior High School offers Band, Choir, Music, Physical Education and Spanish as additional classes that students can choose to take. Teachers at Cass Junior High School believe that these Fine Arts classes are integral to the emotional, social, and physical development of students at this age level.
Classroom Resources
Band Program Overview
Band Program Philosophy
The band program at Cass School District 63 offers students the opportunity to actively participate and experience the creating, performing, responding to, and connecting to music. Students will be exposed to the highest quality of music that is available to them at their ability level. Students will be participating in a student-centered environment where the focus is on their music education experiences, their growth as musicians, and as valued members of the band program.
The primary goals of the Cass District 63 Band Program are:
(1) To offer students the opportunity to learn about and perform the highest quality of music available;
(2) To facilitate and cultivate an environment of appreciation for all types of music through listening and performance;
(3) To provide each student the opportunity to perform in a meaningful, expressive manner in a variety of experiences;
(4) To provide a challenging, yet attainable expectation for all students individually as well as a team;
(5) To work with each individual student and as a group to develop and maintain a steady work habit in order to achieve long term and short term goals that the students have set for themselves;
(6) To give students a greater understanding of musical elements across a vast genre of music
Check out the band's facebook and twitter pages for more information on events and performances!
Facebook: www.facebook.com/CassD63Bands
Twitter: @CassD63Bands
Chorus/Music/Drama Overview
Chorus, Music & Drama
Cass Junior High is proud to offer a rich and diverse choral experience. All students in Fifth through Eighth Grades are welcome to join if they so choose. Through active participation in class and performances, students will develop many other skills that are necessary to an emotionally happy and healthy life. Students will stimulate creativity, develop social skills, increase self-esteem and develop confidence.
The Fifth and Sixth Grade Chorus meets from 7:30 A.M. to 8:30 A.M. on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Students will learn basic choral skills, as well as increase their musicianship through classroom work and performances.
The Seventh and Eighth Grade Chorus meets from 7:30 A.M. to 8:30 A.M. on Wednesdays and Fridays. Students enrolled in Seventh and Eighth Grade Chorus will continue enriching their musicianship through more challenging literature and increased and varied performing experiences.
Advanced Vocal Ensemble is an audition-based group offered to students in Grades Six through Eight who are currently enrolled in Chorus. This ensemble will meet daily during the school day. Students selected will be chosen based upon their vocal skills, sight reading skills, musicianship and blend within a choral group.
Seventh and Eighth Grade DramaStudents in the Seventh and Eighth Grades are offered a Drama class as part of their Fine Arts rotation. Students will be introduced to drama and improv by learning basic pantomime, improvisational games, script reading, and monologues.Fifth and Sixth Grade MusicStudents in the Fifth and Sixth Grades are offered a General Music elective as part of their Fine Arts rotation. Students will explore the basic history and development of music from the Baroque Period to the Contemporary Period.
Physical Education Overview
Physical Education
Cass Junior High School Physical Education provides 45-minute classes to Fifth through Eighth Grade Students daily. The overall goal for Cass Junior High School Physical Education program is to help our students develop not only their physical skills, but social skills as well.
Spanish Overview
Cass Junior High School offers a two-year sequential Spanish program that will yield entry into the second year of High School Spanish upon successful completion. This allows students the potential option of taking Spanish through "year five" in high school.
The program focuses on improving receptive and expressive language skills. This means students will try to comprehend the language through listening to the language and reading text in Spanish. They will then express themselves through writing and speaking in Spanish. Cultural components are added as an ongoing dimension, to increase exposure and awareness of the language.
Visual Art Overview
Visual Art Education
The visual art program offers courses that examin student Visual Culture. Ranging from illustration, sculpture, and digital courses, students will make and examines artwork that exists beyond the walls of a museum or gallery space.
- Cass Junior High School
Showing results for "Professor named Smith at Elementary School" |

- Mr. Matthew Etherington

- Danielle Hosman

- Ms. Rebecca Kriz

- Mr. Landon Mitchell

- Daniel Murphy

- Mr. AJ Petigo

- Liz Saucedo