Mrs. Angela Zurawski

About the Teacher
Mrs. Zurawski currently teaches Kindergarten through fourth grade general music classes where students learn to experience and express the joy of music through speech, singing, movement, the use of instruments, listening and performance.
The students have general music classes 30 minutes, twice a week, where the basic elements, symbols, tools, processes, style, history, culture, vocabulary and the uniqueness of music are introduced or reinforced, depending on the grade level. Rhythm, steady beat, tempo, dynamics, timbre/tone color, melody and form are introduced at the Kindergarten level, then built upon in grades first through fourth. The singing voice is one of the main topics covered as a tool in all grades. The process of learning the staff notation system and music vocabulary is introduced in Kindergarten through second grade then broadened within third and fourth grades. Each grade level performs a music program during the course of the school year.
Students will learn and experience the unique qualities of music, along with similarities within other art forms, through various activities in their weekly music classes and performances throughout the school year. Students review the Patriotic songs of our country and perform them at an annual “All School Patriotic Assembly.” Students will also become familiar with "Good Character Assets," through song and movement as they annually prepare an all school assembly with songs that include those positive character traits. Students are encouraged to show appropriate performance and assembly behavior that is reinforced during regular music classes and all school assemblies, music programs and chorus concerts. -
Meet the Composers
Students in first through fourth grade attend the “Meet the Composers” component of “Meet the Masters” several times throughout the school year. Students learn about the fascinating lives, famous works, compositions and historical time periods of one specific master composer during each scheduled class session. Students experience this through multimedia content which includes Smart Board technology, the internet, props, games, music CD's, instruments and more. “Meet the Composers” supports several of the Fine Arts Learning Standards. -
Every student will be chosen to be the "MAESTRO" helper in a couple of their music classes during the year. -
The Maestro provides assistance with any needs that may arise during their music class and .
chooses which row of students may line up first at the end of class.
Junior Chorus
Mrs. Zurawski is also the Concord School Junior Chorus Director.
Third and fourth grade students may join the Junior Chorus, which meets for one hour, once a week, after school on Tuesday or Wednesday from October to April, where they prepare to perform a winter and spring concert. -
Mrs. Zurawski earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Music Education from The University of Illinois-Champaign and has been teaching music in Cass School District 63 for over 30 years.