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How to get a Communication Published in the Cass63 Connections

  • If you are interested in getting a communication published and distributed to school families, please adhere to these steps:

    1.   This communication is a service to our parents, as well as local, not-for-profit organizations that are potentially beneficial to our children through the organization of programs, events, camps and activities in the community. Cass School District 63 does not endorse any particular event or organization, nor are these activities or organizations affiliated with the school district. The district cannot post information from for-profit entities, or for activities that are specifically designed for a religious purpose or to promote specific views. The following official District disclaimer is required on all flyers distributed by non-school based organizations in the District. This disclaimer, no smaller than 1’’ x 3” should be displayed in the top right hand corner of the submitted document.

    not tote disclaimer

    2.    Submit the flyer, along with the date you would like your flyer distributed and posted via email to Gayle Wilson at for consideration.

    3.    Cass63 Connections are published every Thursday afternoon throughout the school year. Please be sure to submit your request no later than the Tuesday prior to the Thursday you would like your flyer considered for posting.